Become Magic

Intuitive Consult | Life Stylist
"Some come to see me before any issues arise, others come after the sh*t has hit the fan. Either way, I can help."  -Shani Momi Odo

SHANI MOMI ODO is an Intuitive Consultant and ‘Life Stylist’.

Born in Hawaii and raised in the Bay Area of California, Shani spent the first 20+ years of her career immersed in luxury retail management. After leaving a lucrative career to follow her heart and devote herself to her own "spiritual journey”, she founded Become Magic. She now works one on one with her clients, offering strong clarity, perspective and strategic life guidance to support them in “breaking through” to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Shani has been featured in Modern Luxury magazine & Oahu's Inside Out magazine. She is also a contributing writer to San Francisco's M Magazine and Inspiration Journal.

She lives in Hawaii, where she is in love and the happy mother of two beautiful daughters.
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